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  • Photo: Felix Broede

Barrier Free Access


Access for Wheelchair Users and Persons with Limited Mobility
To the Plaza: The Grand Hall and the Recital Hall are only accessible via the Plaza.
Lifts to the Plaza are signposted in the entrance area.
To the Grand Hall: Once you have reached the Plaza, there are two lifts to the Grand Hall. The main cloakroom is on the 11th floor. You can then take the lift to the floor noted on your ticket. Depending on your seat, there could be a few steps to negotiate in the hall. Concert hall staff will be happy to assist you. All wheelchair spaces are fully accessible.
To the Recital Hall: There is a lift from the Plaza to the Recital Hall. The cloakroom and the entrance to the auditorium are on the 10th floor.
To the Kaistudios: The Kaistudios are signposted at the main entrance and can be reached using the lifts.
Parking Facilities: Parking spaces for visitors with disabilities are available in the Elbphilharmonie multistorey car park.

Guidance System for Visitors with Visual Impairments
The tactile paving system begins on the forecourt of the Elbphilharmonie and guides you into the building and up to each floor. There is a notice indicating which floor you are on at the end of every banister. Our staff will be happy to help if you have any questions.
Please indicate when booking if you wish to bring a guide dog to the concert.

Assistance for the Visitors with Hearing Impairments
Grand Hall: The E, I and K areas in the Grand Hall are fitted with an induction loop. Hearing aid users can use this to listen to the musical or spoken performance wirelessly through their own hearing aid. If you require this assistance, please select a seat in one of these areas when booking and inform the in-house staff on the evening of the concert.
Recital Hall: A total of 20 sets of headphones for visitors with hearing impariments are available for rental from the Recital Hall cloakroom.


Access for Wheelchair Users
Großer Saal / Brahms-Foyer: via Gorch-Fock-Wall
The Brahms-Foyer is only accessible to folding wheelchairs or wheelchairs that are less than 75 cm wide.
Three handicapped parking spaces are available at the entrance from Gorch-Fock-Wall.

Kleiner Saal / Studio E / Artist Entrance: Dammtorwall 46
The Kleiner Saal is only accessible to folding wheelchairs or wheelchairs that are less than 68 cm wide.
Directly in front of the artist entrance on Dragonerstall, six handicapped parking spaces are available.

Hamburg State Opera

Barrier-free Access
The Hamburg State Opera is equipped to accommodate the disabled. 4 wheelchair places are available in the main auditorium (parquet) for each opera performance, and 2 for each ballet performance, each at a cost of € 10.
The opera house has a lift, which goes to the Fourth Tier. There are 3 disabled parking spaces in front of the opera house, very close to the entrance on Große Theaterstraße. There are two further disabled parking spaces in front of the theatre’s ticket office.
The Hamburg State Opera provides a 50% discount on all ticket prices to those with severely disabled passes for 80% disablement and above.The State Opera also provides this discount to the person taking care of individuals with such passes who require the accompaniment of one such person.

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