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  • Marie Jacquot (c) Werner Kmetitsch

Mon, Dec. 16, 2024, 8.00 pm | Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall


4th Philharmonic Concert

Marie Jacquot

Leonard Bernstein: Overture to the operetta “Candide”

Wynton Marsalis: Trumpet Concerto

Amy Beach: Symphony in E minor op. 32 “Gaelic”

conductor: Marie Jacquot
Trumpet: Selina Ott
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

Introduction 60 minutes before the start of the event

What kind of woman is this? Former professional tennis player Marie Jacquot has seemed to be taking the stages by storm for several years now. The Frenchwoman has been principal guest conductor of the Vienna Symphony since the 2023/24 season, and in the 2024/25 season she will also take on the role of chief conductor of the Royal Danish Theater Copenhagen. And for the 2026/27 season she will be chief conductor of the WDR Symphony Orchestra. This is where the hackneyed phrase comes true: we'll be hearing a lot more about her.
In this Philharmonic concert you will hear a lot of American things from her: number one is obvious - Leonard Bernstein, the elemental force on the desk, which was recently controversially re-experienced in the cinema, created a sparkling work with the operetta "Candide" that is so much fun does like few other pieces in music history. This is followed by the trumpet concerto by the jazzer Wynton Marsalis, who was legendary during his lifetime, in which Selina Ott takes on the solo part. And the finale belongs to an American woman who is said to have been the first woman in her home country to write a symphony.
If this isn't a concert of discoveries!

Venue: Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4, 20457 Hamburg
Prices: € 83,00 / 65,00 / 51,00 / 36,00 / 14,00

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